The Museum of [Creative] Failure
All of us fail. A lot. Failures come in all shapes and sizes, some serious, some not-so-much. Most recently, I’ve been failing repeatedly at trying to get a determined mother mouse to relocate her...
View ArticleEverything is Alive
Like so many other people, I‘ve needed to get out of the house throughout the pandemic. And, again, like so many others, I’ve been walking. I walk around my neighborhood, with occasional excursions to...
View Article100 Days for Creativity
A recent headline in a Detroit paper read, “Change your outlook with the 100 Days Project.” Given how hard it can be to maintain a positive outlook while deluged with information from the news, social...
View ArticleMetaphors, Cat-Talk, and Advice for Doc Students
This fall, the faculty at the university from which I recently retired went on strike, largely over proposed changes in health care. The strike was settled quickly, but during that time, some former...
View ArticleEngineering with Dad: What Could This Be?
This weekend, while making small inroads into the clutter in our basement, I ran across something I’d thought was lost. It is a piece of acrylic, curved on one end and straight on the other, perhaps...
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